
Monday, March 21, 2011

1 Year in India

Tomorrow I leave for the mystical land of India. To me, its not so mystical, because it has been part of my life for ... well... all of my life. I guess that happens when you're half Indian right. hmmm... moving on.

I was born and have been brought up in New Zealand, Christchurch to be exact - or Quakechurch as it is more recently known as. I'm not leaving Christchurch because of the earthquakes, let me make that quite clear. This year in India was planned a long long time ago.

I'm happy to be leaving. There's nothing for me in New Zealand anymore, nothing to miss, nothing that I could actually DIE living without. Ishaan doesn't start school until September 2012, and although I'm a bit apprehensive about taking Ishaan away from his father, I know its only for a year and they can keep in touch vis skype/phone calls. I don't own a home in NZ, I'm not studying or on some massive career path. I'm just being, just living, so why not try living somewhere else, somewhere that will excite me or challenge me. Plus how eye-opening would a trip to the motherland be for Ishaan? What a great experience!! So off to India we go.

Actually I lie. I will miss my friends and the few family I have here terribly. Quite frankly they are the only thing that are bringing me back after a year (other than the fact that my visa only lasts a year). My closest friends/family I plan on writing to often of course, but I thought this might be an interesting way for everyone to see what life is like for us, living in a new "mystical" land.

This blog is for you, friends.

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