
Monday, May 30, 2011

Lychee contest

There was a lychee eathing contest yesterday at Kala and KD's place. Awesome. Before we even went, I decided not to partake in the contest, mostly because I'm still getting used to lychees (Leechees? Litchies? Whatever you call them.) and the weird taste they have. I don't particulary like them, they almost have no flavour, but I also don't hate them, they're kinda addictive.

Ishaan and I hitched a ride to Kala's house with Sri Balaram and Balaram Priya on their bike (weeehooo motorobikes are aweseome!). We arrived and there were a few people there already. The idea was that you had to peel and eat as many lychees as you could in 5 minutes. And at the end whoever had the most pips (clean pips, with no lychee left on them!) was the winnder.

There were 5 people in the first round, and the winner had something like 35 in 5 minutes. Legendary. Another round saw the same winner, who downed 72 in 10 minutes. I'm suprised he didn't puke them up after.

I sat and enjoyed my lychees as a pleasant pace...

Someone gave me their flash camera to take photos of the contest so here's a few snaps from the day.

Kd - our lovely host
Ishaan getting in on the lychee action. (His record was 8 lychees in 15 minutes I think!)
beautiful Kala
Ishaan with Kala and Kd's twins.
The bucket of lychee skins at the end of it all. Thats a whole lotta lychees!
Narayan after the competition. Feeling a little sick are we?

enjoying my lychee and trying not to dribble (Photo by Narayan)

Saturday, May 28, 2011


There's nothing quite like storms in Mayapur. They are louder, bigger more awesome than I have ever seen before. The wind howls and pulls the washing off the line and bashes the open windows back and forth. The rain pelts down and drenches you within seconds. The lightning is so bright the whole sky it lit up like a photo-flash (best at night, its so bright its literally like day-time!) and the thunder can sometimes make you jump out of your skin. And then after everything settles and the ground is still wet, the air is cool, and you forget you're in an Indian summer. Seriously, I've never seen storms like the ones here. I love storm season.

Today we had rain. It wasn't a storm though, I hardly felt any wind leading up to it, and the sky didn't get dark like I'm used to. The temperature dropped, and within minutes there was a sudden downpour. It was absolutely beautiful. Ishaan and I went out onto the balcony to watch the rain and within 20 seconds I was literally soaked. Everywhere I looked past the balcony was like a hazy glow... and the rain was refreshing.

Ishaan loved it - he jumped and danced in the rain, sometimes opening his mouth to catch the drops, sometimes lying on his stomach and sliding across the marble balcony like a mini-slip'n slide. What a way to enjoy the weather.

What a fabulous afternoon.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Jen & Missy

sniff sniff missing my besties a lot today. I'm not sure why more than usual, but I was just thinking about different things I do with these wonderful girls and for a fleeting moment wished I was back home.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Facebook for work

Sadbhuja asked us to make him a facebook page, plus I made a ToVP one as well. We're going to keep it updated with photos, articles, construction etc so that the facebook world can see whats going on.

Check out Sadbhuja's facebook here
and the ToVP facebook page here.

Jala and I are officially supposed to go on Facebook for work. Weehooo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Dellabarca girls!

Firstly, girls I'm sorry I'm combining the birthday wishes, you're gona get it all through your childhood you realise... Thats what happens when your birthdays are so close together! Enjoy it =)


I can't believe you're growing up so fast - STOP ALREADY! I still remember rubbing your mamas tummy when she was pregnant and talking to you. I miss you both so so much and can't wait to be celebrating your 4th birthday Trinity and your 2nd Tasha next year.

Loads of love

Auntie Ra-ra and Trinity's bf Ishie (shhh Trinity don't tell daddy!!) lol

PS Keep an eye out in the mail for a package all the way from India. I sent it last week so it should be there soon (if the Indian postal system doesn't fail me!!)

July 27th

Okay so it seems like a million years later but basically this is the short story: The little tailor-made dresses I got made for the girls seem to have been lost in the post (unless they turn up soon!) so I bought the girls some other outfits and got my dad to take them back to NZ with him..... here's a photo of the Dellabarca girls being little Bollywood stars!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Kowhai is coming!!

Today I got an email from Kowhai... and guess what... SHE'S COMING TO VISIT!!! Plans are in motion.. dates are being decided, taxis for airports are being organised, hotels are being booked.

Can't wait to show her around. Anyone else want to come see where I live?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Parcel from home!

Today we got a package delivered... WOW! and if you're suprised by my wow, understand this. The Indian postal system is dodgy at the best of times. It doesn't matter if you put the exact correct address and write it in your best neat handwriting... sometimes things just get a little lost along the way, though I'm not entirely sure why. So when we got this parcel in our little wooden letterbox, we were suprised.

Thanks Poh-poh for sending the books, Ishaan loves them =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

New blog

Most of you know I grew up as a Hare Krsna and would go to the temple in Christchurch often (before it was destroyed in the earthquake!). I wasn't a very good Hare Krsna, and that was one of the reasons I came to India - to learn more about what I grew up surrounded in. So I started up a new blog. Its not for everyone, in fact it may be hard to understand for some of you, but check it out anyways if you want.

It might give you more insight of what it means for me being a Hare Krsna and the struggles/accomplishments I go through during my year in India. I probably won't write in it as often as I do here, its not really for an up-to-date schedule of the things I do and the things I'm getting up to here... its more a personal writing outlet for me to see the changes in my life spiritually.

Check it out here. If you have any questions or want to know more about any posts there, email me =)