
Monday, May 30, 2011

Lychee contest

There was a lychee eathing contest yesterday at Kala and KD's place. Awesome. Before we even went, I decided not to partake in the contest, mostly because I'm still getting used to lychees (Leechees? Litchies? Whatever you call them.) and the weird taste they have. I don't particulary like them, they almost have no flavour, but I also don't hate them, they're kinda addictive.

Ishaan and I hitched a ride to Kala's house with Sri Balaram and Balaram Priya on their bike (weeehooo motorobikes are aweseome!). We arrived and there were a few people there already. The idea was that you had to peel and eat as many lychees as you could in 5 minutes. And at the end whoever had the most pips (clean pips, with no lychee left on them!) was the winnder.

There were 5 people in the first round, and the winner had something like 35 in 5 minutes. Legendary. Another round saw the same winner, who downed 72 in 10 minutes. I'm suprised he didn't puke them up after.

I sat and enjoyed my lychees as a pleasant pace...

Someone gave me their flash camera to take photos of the contest so here's a few snaps from the day.

Kd - our lovely host
Ishaan getting in on the lychee action. (His record was 8 lychees in 15 minutes I think!)
beautiful Kala
Ishaan with Kala and Kd's twins.
The bucket of lychee skins at the end of it all. Thats a whole lotta lychees!
Narayan after the competition. Feeling a little sick are we?

enjoying my lychee and trying not to dribble (Photo by Narayan)

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