
Monday, May 2, 2011

New blog

Most of you know I grew up as a Hare Krsna and would go to the temple in Christchurch often (before it was destroyed in the earthquake!). I wasn't a very good Hare Krsna, and that was one of the reasons I came to India - to learn more about what I grew up surrounded in. So I started up a new blog. Its not for everyone, in fact it may be hard to understand for some of you, but check it out anyways if you want.

It might give you more insight of what it means for me being a Hare Krsna and the struggles/accomplishments I go through during my year in India. I probably won't write in it as often as I do here, its not really for an up-to-date schedule of the things I do and the things I'm getting up to here... its more a personal writing outlet for me to see the changes in my life spiritually.

Check it out here. If you have any questions or want to know more about any posts there, email me =)

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