
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Kala!

So tomorrow is Kala Kanti's birthday. In case you need a reminder - she's the mother of the cutest twin girls Nadiya and Nayana. So anyways Jala organised a little surprise party for her - and we had so much fun!

Karuna, who lives right next door to Kala and her husband, invited her over for lunch, and so we sneakily arrived about half an hour before Kala was scheduled to come... laden with cake, candles, custard, ice cream, party hats, balloons.. you name it. She walked in the room and


Actually she told us later on that she started to suspect a little... so it wasn't really a full surprise. But it didn't matter, we celebrated in style and had pasta salad and fizzy and soup and potatoes and cake and custard and ice cream. Afterward we went out on the balcony and the kids played together wildly for about an hour. God knows they'll all fall asleep soundly tonight!

Here's a few photos of our fun afternoon...

A layered chocolate and vanilla cake to be exact.

Party people.
(L-R) Me, Jahnu, KD, Madhurika and Ishaan, Kala, one of the twins (Nayana I think?), Jala and Karuna off to the side.

Jala shortly after she rolled on the floor in the glitter confetti. Yes I said rolled on the floor.

A Balloon inside a balloon thats inside a balloon.

Two balloons inside a balloon. Interesting yes.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

School holiday entertainment

Thank goodness school starts next monday!! In the meantime, we've been collecting caterpillars, making birthday calendar charts, painting pictures, baking cookies and cupcakes, having waterfights on the balcony, friends over and lots of other stuff.

Today we drew Ishaan.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Rain and more rain.

I can see there being some more posts about rain in the coming months, and this is the start of it all. The past three days have just been raining non stop, all day and all night. Okay so I lie, not nonstop... but even 15 minutes of pouring rain is enough to start leaving puddles everywhere. And then after an hour or so of just light drizzle... it will RAIN AND RAIN again, making the small puddles into larger ones... and then aaah the flooding starts!!

I biked to work the other day in the pouring rain. Yeah I had an umbrella... but that didn't stop the puddles seeping up into my skirt and making it wet right up to my knees. THank goodness its not cold as well.

Its a little hard to see just how much rain has been falling in these photos but anyways here they are...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Party Lorenze!!

Yay Lorenze its your party today!! I can't believe you're FIVE already...what the!? School soon eh!? Make sure you ask Aunty Summer to give you the present from me and Ishaan. I hope you like it! We'll Skype you later okay!

Love, Auntie Radha and Ishie-POOOOO (hehe I said poo..)


Tuesday 18th July 2011
Thanks Lauren for taking this photo. I'm happy you like the book L. Ishaan and I read it off my computer here in India too...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bike accident

When I say bike accident, lets make it clear I mean a bicycle, not a motorbike.

Our bike is the main way of transport for us here. We're never going very far, and if we do, we'll just take a rickshaw or flatbed.... but if its just from the temple to home, or to the local shops, or even just over to Momai and Grandpitas place, the bike is the way to go. Usually, Ishaan rides the bike with me by standing in the middle, in between me and the handlebars like this photo with him and me last month. He feels safer there, and also if someone else wants to ride, they can just jump on the carrier on the back.

Lately though, he's been riding the bike on the back, standing on the carrier and holding on to my shoulders.... like this photo with him and Grandpita. Its a little less safe, but he clings on to my neck with almost a choke-hold, and so far we've been pretty careful like that. Until today.

We left the temple a little earlier than usual, about 7.45am because Ish was hungry, and I had no money for pizza from the courtyard. We got to the bike, he jumped on my back and held on to my neck, and then I climbed onto the bike as usual and pedaled slowly, waiting for him to stand up properly. He did just that, only he let one hand go off my neck so he could wave his flute around, and he loosened the other hand - in fact he was barely holding on to me. Bad move. As I pedaled away, I rode over a large rock and the whole bike wobbled. It was kinda inevitable that he would fall. Straight down FLAT on his back onto the dust and little pebbles... and all the Indians nearby came rushing.

He screamed (duh), but actually I think he got more of a shock than anything, and he was ready to continue riding after about 5 minutes. Needless to say he wanted to sit on the carrier now rather than standing......

and off we went.

Thought that was the end of it? Not so bad right? WELL.....

We got to the housing area and saw some of the school boys there with a flatbed of veges, so we stopped and bought some pumpkin and bananas, and then I slowly started out again. I was vaguely listening to Ishaan mumble about how he pokes his toes on the grill on Sanatanas bike when he's with her and it feels all tickly... when all of a sudden I heard an unnatural clunk clunk and my bike slowed itself down. It sounded like a stick or something got caught in the spokes, so I stopped to take a look. Thats when Ishaans howling started. I soon realised he had stuck his foot in the spokes of the wheel, and my bike had continued on a few steps, his heel continuing to be scraped and scratched with every millimetre forward I went on the bike. I didn't see any blood, but then I only looked really quickly, seeing as his screaming was so loud I think you guys all heard it in New Zealand!

I picked him up off the bike and just held him for a minute, and by that time two ladies had come out of their apartments to see Ishaan, and Uttam the milkman even walked past to check him. His screaming didn't ease off at all though so I took him home to have a better look. Turned out one of the spokes on the wheel had even broken off - imagine the force that would've taken! There was a bit of blood, but mostly a raw open wound with practically no skin left. He hollered loudly for the next hour, and quietened down to a whimper for the next half hour after that.

So I didn't go to work today. We spent the day watching movies, complaining about the pain a little, eating mango cupcakes, drinking banana slushies, complaining about the pain, drawing pictures, taking photos... anything to keep his mind off his foot.

The funniest part of it all? He can't move anywhere, or at least he doesn't want to try and walk. So the usually busy active livewire Ishaan, is forced to sit in one place and be content with that. PHEW! Chances are he'll be finding ways to get around soon, I better enjoy this while I can!


The first accident - scrapes on his back. (This sleep by the way, is pretend)

Foot scrape. This is after we cleaned it of all the blood. Its nastier than it looks.

Mango cupcakes. I think he had more fun making the icing than actually eating these!

His drawing. It depicts Ishaan with large eyes and a sad face and a bandage on his foot.

A few of the million photos we took of each other.