
Friday, July 22, 2011

Rain and more rain.

I can see there being some more posts about rain in the coming months, and this is the start of it all. The past three days have just been raining non stop, all day and all night. Okay so I lie, not nonstop... but even 15 minutes of pouring rain is enough to start leaving puddles everywhere. And then after an hour or so of just light drizzle... it will RAIN AND RAIN again, making the small puddles into larger ones... and then aaah the flooding starts!!

I biked to work the other day in the pouring rain. Yeah I had an umbrella... but that didn't stop the puddles seeping up into my skirt and making it wet right up to my knees. THank goodness its not cold as well.

Its a little hard to see just how much rain has been falling in these photos but anyways here they are...

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