
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Eyebrow gash

Uh so yesterday Ishaan cut his eye and today we're home from school/work. I got home from work yesterday just after 2 and I could hear him screaming upstairs in my parents apartment. By the time I'd parked my bike and trudged up the three floors, he had fallen asleep on the bed, exhausted from what the day brought him.

Apparently he was playing in the playground, and walked right in front of a swing... that someone was swinging on. SO yes, his fault.

Anyways there was a lot of blood, a lot of screaming, but all is well. He slept for the rest of the afternoon and didn't wake up until Ramadevi came over to check him over. She suggested a tetanus shot (eeek!) and gave me some butterfly stitches to put on the gash when I got a chance to clean it up. The sooner I put the stitches on she said, the less chance of a scar. He wouldn't let me near his face to clean him up, so I had to wait until he fell asleep...

Poor boy fell asleep early, after a traumatic hour at Ramadevi's house for his tetanus shot and a chocolate cupcake or two. Once he was well and truly asleep, I cleaned off his eyebrow of all the blood, and carefully put the butterfly stitches on. I noticed it had already started healing up a little bit - perhaps he will have a tiny scar...

Ah well, he can make up a good story to go with it.

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