
Sunday, June 26, 2011

New apartment

Today is 2 weeks since we've been in our new apartment, and I thought I'd better update and post photos before the time comes to move out again!

We're only here for 2 and a half months. The apartment belongs to Sri Balaram and his wife Balaram Priya (I know, hold off on the similar name jokes, they've heard it all!) and they've gone to Russia for the summer. In the meantime, they said we can stay here... which is brilliant cuz its nice to sometimes just have your own space.

Its a small place, just two bedrooms, but they have their stuff in one of the bedrooms, which we keep closed off, so essentially its just a one bedroom place for us. Its all we need, and its a nice cosy wee place.

The moving van

The view into the lounge from the front door. The door on the left goes out to the balcony and the door straight ahead is the kitchen. The bedrooms/bathroom are to the right.

The view of the lounge from the kitchen door.
The curtains are closed to block out the heat of the summer sun.

Our bedroom. My bed on the left, Ishaan's on the right. See the lack of blankets? Thats cuz its just SO DARN HOT right now! Luckily this room has AC for when it gets unbearable, though we've only used it once since we've been here...

Our balcony. And the view.

The maid was mopping the floors so I couldn't get the hallways or the other bedroom and bathroom. I'll post more photos soon.

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